MHBPNA Newsletter for 2010

The winter newsletter has been delivered in December (2009) and January (2010). For the past 2 years we have written, published and delivered four newsletters a year with articles of interest for the neighbourhood. We have also advertised programs occurring at the Breithaupt Centre.

This summer we decided not to publish the newsletter. We have had no volunteers to write articles and it has been harder to find people willing to deliver it, even to their own block.

We are still planning to publish a newsletter for the fall, but only if there is interest. If you would like to write an article please email us at In fact, even if you have only a small flickering of an idea for an article it would be a good start. Even if you know someone who might have an idea about an article……you get the idea.

When we started the newsletter a couple of years ago the City of Kitchener printed approx. 5000 copies for us, and we distributed most of them. By this recent winter we were down to about 3000.

We have received much positive feedback for the past issues and articles featuring people in the neighbourhood. But we all have full time jobs and cannot write the content, research all the events that need listing, set up the desktop publishing and then manage the distribution.

If you would like to help in any way with a fall newsletter then please email us. The alternatives would be:
1) produce a smaller amount and make them available at specific places like the Breithaupt Centre or
2) post everything to this BLOG and hope those who are interested follow it and have internet access.

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