Car-free days have evolved into “trail animation” afternoon. Shutting down parts of King street was interesting, but expensive and it is very difficult to fill the space between the two down towns. So we now have an “Animate the Iron Horse Trail” event scheduled for May 27th (Sunday). It is on the MHBPNA calendar so you will not forget.
However, this is an “open project” and everyone reading this Blog is invited to participate. You can add events to a Google map located here:
1) Google Map:
a. The google map can be used to identify points of interest and certain sections of the trail.
b. Feel free to drop pins / lines where you think it would be appropriate.
2) Google Docs:
a. The google docs can be accessed here: spreadsheet/ccc?key= 0ApTCQxUXajGHdHBBdE80Q2pFODBIV G9rRjRGVVhXeHc
b. Add any ideas you have here for vendors, event names, partnerships, etc.