Our Neighbourhood Association executive has met over the past month and identified a number of events and initiatives we would like to promote.
Please contact us at mhbpna@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer for any of these events. We always appreciate help.
Feel free to attend any of our meetings. Our meeting schedule is listed here.
‘Winterfest’ 2015 Hillside Park: Saturday February 21. We are planning to brighten and warm up the middle of winter. Would your child like to toboggan down the hill and have their speed clocked with a radar gun? Food, lights, music, families = lots of fun!
Jane’s Walk: May 2-3, 2015. Here is what we did last year. We should have at least two walks scheduled this year.
Ahrens Street Painting: Please “like” our Facebook Page to follow this initiative.
PenPal Picnic: June (this is open to everyone, but part of the “Pen Pal Project” initiative).
Soap Box Derby (tentative, depending on interest) Saturday August 22nd. Building a soap box racer is not so hard. Look here.
3rd Annual Neighbourhood Bike ride. Probably June?
Margaret Avenue Bridge opening celebration with Olde Berlin Neighbourhood association when the bridge opens. Hopefully in late summer!
MHBPNA will also support other projects such as Dekay St Party, KW Lantern Walk, Dekay Bike Rodeo.
What else would you like to do? Contact us for our help!
Transit Hub Development:
Advocate for an intelligent entrance off Breithaupt St. so cyclists and pedestrians can continue from Waterloo street down to Victoria.
Advocate for Community Space to be built in the Transit Hub. The region’s website is here.
Neighbourhood Planning: We will work with the City to list all the existing City and Regional plans so we understand the scope of development planned in the MHBP neighbourhood.
152 Shanley: we will continue to lobby for this building to be developed in a positive manner that will benefit the neighbourhood. For the history of this property please read these two Blog posts here and here.
Maze project (on hold). We do have a few people interested in creating a “living maze” in Breithaupt Park. Let us know if you would like to be involved.
Margaret Avenue Street Painting (bike lanes will be re-painted).
Use our Web Site as a resource! This BLOG is devoted to providing updated information about “what is going on”. These stories feed into our new website where we also have sections for Events and Issues.