We will have a summary of our activities for the past year and will have a few guest speakers.
We will have coffee, water and some fruit and veggies for you to munch on.
For the kids: virtually unlimited LEGO!
There are SEVERAL positions on our executive that will be open for the coming year. Please consider running for the board and helping out our community.
We will also be voting on our updated constitution. We have added two new “Member at Large” positions. And we have added the provision that we will elect members to the board at the AGM and they can have some time to decide on the specific position they wish to occupy.
Both these changes are intended to make participating in our Neighbourhood Association easier and more flexible. Not everyone understands all the issues and requirements for “Co-Chair”, or “Events Director” etc. so this allows you to get involved and decide later on the specific role. The first page is below and the entire 2016 Draft constitution can be viewed here. The file is called “MHBPNA Constitution draft- 2016.pdf“.
For further information please contact us at mhbpna@gmail.com