About Us

The Mount Hope - Breithaupt Park Neighbourhood Association is a group of volunteers interested in building community with our neighbours. We are affiliated with the City of Kitchener and have helped support many activities including tobogganing, lantern walks, football camps, soccer programs, songwriting association meetings, Lego groups, cooking classes, writing classes, soapbox derbies, camp-outs, pen pal connections and much more.

If you have an idea please let us know about it, and consider coming to a meeting or even joining the executive. There is always room! Positions usually open up each fall at the AGM, but there is the option to join the executive at any time. Read all about the different executive positions in our MHBPNA Constitution.

Email us at mhbpna@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Our Facebook page is here.

Current Executive (2019-2020)
Co-Chair: Samantha Estoesta Williams
Co-Chair: Katie Lefler

Treasurer: Emily Slofstra
Communications Director: Ted Parkinson
Special Events Director:
Partnerships Director: Kate Pearce
Programming Director: Levi Oakley

Members at Large

Lori Murray, Kim Gauld, Beth Weisberg

City Contacts
Colette Saunders, City of Kitchener Staff Member
Sarah Marsh, Ward 10 Councillor