Development Committee

In January 2018, the MHBPNA formed a Development subcommittee to track new buildings and developments within and around the neighbourhood. Currently the committee meets once a month and includes 10 members from across the Mount Hope-Breithaupt Park area. To contact the development committee, email

Vision Statement

  • Create neighbourhood engagement and monitor and respond to development proposals
  • Establish a formal line of communication with the City of Kitchener Planning Department, the Regional Planning Department and City Council on building and development issues which impact the area
  • Ensure that the PARTS and RIENS guidelines and proposed zoning changes (CRoZBY) are fully communicated to all residents and adhered to as new development occurs
  • Design a communication strategy to 1) gather input from residents and 2) develop a formal line of communication with builders and developers in order to give feedback on proposed development.

Developments currently being monitored include:

  • The Perimeter build at Wellington/Moore – on the Google property
  • The Station Park Development
  • The McDonald’s building lot on King/Breithaupt
  • The old Staebler building/now vacant lot on King/Wellington
  • The Regional Transit Hub
  • The condo development at King/Louisa – added to the list because of construction/parking issues
  • The residential build on Braun Avenue
  • The Electrohome building (152 Shanley)
  • Extend A Family building
  • Sacred Heart school/convent
  • The commercial development at Roger/Moore (City of Waterloo initiative but a traffic and neighbourhood impact)

Learn more and keep up to date on developments by following the MHBPNA blog and

CLICK on this map below to see all the developments around our area.

Links are given for more information about each one.