When people first learn about the existance of the MHBPNA they usually ask “what are our boundaries?” “Do we live inside or outside those boundaries?”
Generally speaking, the boundaries are:
South: Victoria Street
West: King Street
East: Lancaster
North: Breithaupt Park and a little south of Union.
It’s the north boundary that is most confusing, and we know that in the Kitchener/Waterloo area words like “north”, “south”, “east” and “west” in relation to directions are all very relative and open to debate.
If you look on the left margin of this BLOG (Helpful Links for Our Community), you will now see a link to a Google Map of our association’s boundaries. This should help clarify things, although that “north” boundary is still ambiguous in some places. We try to be generous when we distribute the newsletter and there are no restrictions about who can take programs at the Breithaupt Centre.