Our Neighbourhood Association’s Partnerships Director, Chris Dewar, led us on a fun bike tour of our neighbourhood. On Sunday, June 1, we met at the parking lot across from the Breithaupt Block.
Chris brought his trusty pump to ensure everyone’s tires were up to the 2 hour ride.
We had about 16 people show up at the parking lot, eager to cycle through our neighbourhood and talk about some of the landmarks. We had kids on bikes, seniors on ‘one speeds’, higher end mountain and touring bikes, and everything in between. It was a mosaic of bikes and people (click for larger image).
Chris led us on a route that was roughly around the edges of our neighbourhood (our neighbourhood boundaries can be seen here). Here we are heading down Breithaupt Street beside historic buildings.
We did the route that is shown here. Just over half way through the ride we stopped at Breithaupt Park for a rest and some refreshments provided by the Mount Hope Breithaupt Park neighbourhood association. We had a chance to chat about our area. Most residents don’t realize that our neighbourhood stretches from King street on one side, all the way to the edge of the expressway on the other. Our route through Breithaupt Park includes a challenging hill, but walking is always an option. No one got left behind! (click for larger image)
We cycled over 10 kilometres in about two hours and had some time to talk about some of the ongoing neighbourhood issues and meet new friends. The weather was beautiful and it was a great experience. We hope to see everyone out again next year!