We have had a great deal happening in our neighbourhood over the past week. Summertime seems to be very busy. Here are a few updates:
A small, but influential, delegation from the MHBPNA presented our neighbourhood’s position on the different options for the Margaret Avenue Bridge at a Kitchener City Council meeting on Monday, June 30th. We spent almost 5 hours at the meeting to ensure our neighbrouhood was represented and the bridge is built as soon as possible. This ‘revisiting’ of the issue came up rather suddenly but we believe we have helped the city to move ahead more quickly than they might otherwise have chosen to do. Here is a Record article.
Your Neighbourhood Association also spoke in favour of an initiative for street painting to help with traffic calming. Here is an earlier Blog article about this idea with a link to a great video showing what they did in Halifax. And here is the Record’s article on our presentation and Dan Glenn-Graham’s motion.
Lane Burman will be interviewed on CBC radio about the traffic calming after the 7 am news, Thursday July 3rd (www.cbc.ca/kw). The interview was written up here.
Finally, reserve time this Sunday (July 6) from 1 – 4 because your NA is involved in hosting a Bike Rodeo on Dekay Street (from Peltz to Deslisle). We will have a poster up soon.