Photo Contest! Win prizes!

We’re having a photo contest! You may have noticed our new website design, and we’d love to have a rotation of great photos in the banner to showcase the best of our neighbourhood.

To enter, submit a photo that you have taken in the Mount Hope-Breithaupt Park area to Include your name, the name of the street that you live on, and a blurb about the photo. You may use existing photos if they fit the qualifications.

Your photo must:
1) Be taken within the MHBPNA boundary.
2) Be good quality (good photos from a phone should be fine)

Photos that can be cropped to 1000px by 290px are preferable as they will fit the banner size on the website. You can use an existing photo from the summer, or venture out in the winter.

All suitable entries will be entered into a draw, and three winners will be selected for the following prizes:
2- $50 gift certificates to Cocoon Apothecary
1- $20 gift certificate to CE Bakery & Experience

All submitted photos will become the property of the MHBPNA and may be used for future articles, blogs or promotions. Artist attribution will be used whenever possible.

The deadline for submissions is March 31.

Update January 15, 2018: Multiple submissions are acceptable from residents of MHBP, and will result in multiple entries into the draw to a maximum of five entries.


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