The time of year is approaching! The time when you search the bowels of your post-winter dwelling and consider the question, “would anybody pay me for this junk?”.
The answer is “Probably!”
Let us gather as a community to buy, sell and barter on Saturday, May 26 from 8 am to 12pm. If you would like to host a garage sale please use the following link to add your information to our interactive map.
Click this link view the map. Click on the red dots to see what kinds of things people are selling.
Let the deals begin!
Last year we had low participation and customer numbers partially due to the Porch party activities, and lack of knowledge about this event.
Is there a plan to go door to door with info about the upcoming event to get more people on board? What other marketing (online / traditional) are planned for this year’s event?
My wife had put up additional signs to get us customers.
Hello Rob. Thank you for the Comment.
Posters are currently being printed but will not be distributed door-to-door. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to do this between newsletters. The posters will be distributed to businesses, apartment buildings, etc.
The plan is to cross-post to Kijiji asap.
With the new interactive map we are hoping sales will receive higher traffic because people can plan their route. The key will be to add a good description of items for sale when a seller uses our google form.