Executive Elected, Constitution Passed!

The MHBPNA had our annual meeting on October 28th at the Breithaupt Centre. Three very important things happened:

1) Architect John MacDonald discussed how we might use the free cultural assessment we won at the Festival of Neighbourhoods in 2008. Several ideas were discussed and after researching some options we will meet again.
2) We elected an executive for the next year. President: Trudy Beaulne, Secretary: Laurie Donaldson, Co-Treasurers: Helen Lippert and Joan Lazarski, Communications Director: Ted Parkinson. We still have openings for Programs Director, Special Events Director and Partnerships Director. Please send us an email if you are interested. Descriptions for all positions can be found in our constitution.
3) We passed our constitution! The full text of our constitution has been uploaded to the MHBPNA Website. Click here to view it. We spent several meetings developing the constitution and modeled it on those used by other Kitchener neighbourhood associations. We believe it is clear, easy to understand and will provide a solid structure for our future initiatives.

MHBPNA General Membership Meeting, Wed, Oct 28, 2009

Our Neighbourhood Association is holding an important General Membership Meeting. The date and location are:

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009
6:30 – 9:30
Room 109
We have a special guest attending: Architect John MacDonald who will be discussing how we can proceed with a cultural assessment grant that we won from the 2008 Festival of Neighbourhoods.
Please attend this meeting and encourage others who live in the neighbourhood to come as well. We have been working on a very basic constitution and we need your support to implement it. Over the years, our association has helped many people and groups to offer courses at the Breithaupt centre, run events and to meet with other helpful individuals. The NA also works with the City of Kitchener to publish a newsletter and to support events and programming. Creating a constitution is one way to ensure our organization is transparent, accountable and easy to understand.
An organizational chart of our current neighbourhood association can be found on this page. Our boundaries can be found here.

Kitchener’s Festival of Neighbourhoods Finale, Oct 25th

This BLOG is all about our great neighbourhood. Throughout the year we post articles about what is going on, various events etc. You can look through the BLOG’s history to find what has happened over the past several months.

The city of Kitchener is celebrating the past year with their Festival of Neighbourhoods finale at city hall on Sunday, Oct 25th. This event was advertised in our newsletter and it is described on the city’s website on this page.
The city of Kitchener says: “Come celebrate with us! The finale takes place rain or shine on Sunday, October 25, 2009 starting at 1:00 pm. in the Rotunda at Kitchener City Hall. Registered Kitchener neighbourhoods are encouraged to come, share their experiences, and take part in the activities and award ceremony.”
Throughout the past year our neighbourhood (and many others) has registered our events with the city (e.g. Lippert Park picnic, Jane’s Walk, Duke Street Playground pot luck). During the FON finale there will be a draw for a $10, 000 grant. Each event a neighbourhood registers gives them a ballot for this finale draw.
Everyone is welcome to attend this event. We’ll post on this BLOG the 2009 winner of the grant.

Mom and Tot Drop-in: 9 – 11 am Wednesdays

Time Out Mom and Tot Drop-in

A Mt.Hope-Breithaupt Park Neighbourhood Assoc. Program

At Grace Lutheran Church

136 Margaret Ave.


You and your children/grandchildren/daycare children are invited to join us

Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

Our program gives children the opportunity to “get their wiggles out” with free play, learn social skills, use their imagination with craft activities, and play organized indoor games as well.

Refreshments are available.

Donations appreciated to help cover costs and activities associated with the program, however, first time visits are always free. Come check us out!

For more information, contact Laurie Donaldson at 519-886-5080

Wellington Street Reconstruction (Weber to Margaret Ave.) May to Sept, 2010

The following information comes from the City of Kitchener and we felt it was worth sharing with people in our neighbourhood:

Wellington Street reconstruction is schedule to begin, on or about, May 10, 2010, with an estimated completion date on or about September 30, 2010. You will be notified closer to the date construction is scheduled to start on your section of the street, and also how long access to your driveway will be affected.
The construction will upgrade the storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains. Curb and gutter, and sidewalks will be installed. Asphalt will be upgraded and all driveway ramps will be replaced.
Public Open House:
September 30, 2009
Margaret Avenue School
325 Louisa Street, Kitchener
6 pm to 8 pm.

Where are we? Which streets belong to us?

When people first learn about the existance of the MHBPNA they usually ask “what are our boundaries?” “Do we live inside or outside those boundaries?”
Generally speaking, the boundaries are:
South: Victoria Street
West: King Street
East: Lancaster
North: Breithaupt Park and a little south of Union.
It’s the north boundary that is most confusing, and we know that in the Kitchener/Waterloo area words like “north”, “south”, “east” and “west” in relation to directions are all very relative and open to debate.
If you look on the left margin of this BLOG (Helpful Links for Our Community), you will now see a link to a Google Map of our association’s boundaries. This should help clarify things, although that “north” boundary is still ambiguous in some places. We try to be generous when we distribute the newsletter and there are no restrictions about who can take programs at the Breithaupt Centre.

Central Art Walk: Saturday October 24, 2009

The Central Art Walk was a big success last year. There were many different types of artists with paintings, sculpture, stained glass, pottery and more. The weather was good and it was fun to walk around the neighbourhood and meet so many different people. Some artists offered tea and cookies and other treats.

This year the folks who are organizing the art walk have made a large map of the artists (click here) and also have a website with artist portraits and detailed information (click here).

Fall 2009 Newsletter hits the streets

The Fall 2009 MHBPNA Newsletter has been printed by the kind folks at city hall and is now being distributed by volunteers around our neighbourhood. Please take time to read through it. There are some good articles and much information about ongoing activities.

We also uploaded the Summer 2009 newsletter here. We are maintaining a newsletter archive in case you forgot to read something and also to record some of the neighbourhood’s history.
We are now gathering materials for the Winter 2009/2010 newsletter. If you have any stories or events you would like to contribute, please email mhbpna.news@gmail.com.